Where Did The Towers Go!

Salman: Mr Netanyahu, the FBI is stirring up the 911 affair. They implicate the House of Saud with the "missing 28 pages". There will be repercussions for us!

Bibi: … repercussions on us? You mean on you!

Salman: But Mr Netanyahu, we were in it together, no? If memory serves, it was a joint venture between Mossad, the CIA, and Saudi Intel, where Mossad conducted the operation. At the same time, the CIA and Saudi Intel provided logistics and ran errands. In 100 years of Mossad' false flags', this, I must say, is your 'magnum opus.'

Bibi: Wash your mouth, Salman! Is this a secure line? I know it's a bit of a stretch, even for an idiot, but the official line is this: - "nineteen jihadists from your backyard armed with box cutters brought down three towers with two planes." Are we clear, Sal?

Salman: Roger, Mr Netanyahu, but as laughable as it is, I trust the 'box-cutters' narrative is still the official line. But then, may I ask, why is the FBI dredging this up again and implicating us through this pesky 911 Review Commission? To say the least, Mr Netanyahu, I'm pissed.

Bibi: C'mon, Sal, chill! A ruse goes linear only when good people are fooled. It may take a while to see through the fog pedalled by CNN, BBC, and other propaganda tools. But only if one is still confused about what two dozen engineers huddled in a swanky command centre of a Controlled Demolition outfit are capable of, compared to a turbaned cleric with AK47 squatting in a Tora Bora cave with no sanitation, mumbling Quranic verses. The thing is, Sal, our propaganda tools have been working even with Hollywood to configure this confusion, and yours may I add, for the past 14 years.

Salman: What do you mean, Mr Netanyahu! Why are you trying to confuse us - aren't we a team? You are making me nervous. Have you heard of Dr Judy Wood, an engineer and metallurgist? She has evidence that it was not even a controlled demolition but some sort of 'directed energy weapon that 'dustified' the concrete and steel of not just three towers but seven? My grandniece, a physics buff, concurs with her and brings it to my attention. The little brat is now a fan of Dr Wood. I'm minded putting out a fatwa against learning chemistry and physics in the kingdom.

Bibi: Salman, that fatwa is an excellent idea. This Judy Wood woman is a weed up my ass. She opened Pandora's box I deliberately 'submarined' after the event. I tried to 'buy' her, but she spurned my offer, so I blocked her academic appointments. She is now jobless, but the proverbial bulldog, who does not comb her hair, is still on my tail. She is on the verge of exposing our biggest nuclear secret on the lecture circuit. I won't be surprised if she turns up at Dimona for tea.  

Salman: She sounds interesting, Mr Netanyahu. Shall I soften her up? Propose marriage, perhaps? I'm on my nineteenth, and this engineer woman could make it an even twenty. I need someone with her skill sets to prevent the others from blowing up the kitchen.

Bibi: Funny, aren't we, Sal. I need her liquidated. I hear the woman is in New York. Get your boys to do the old scarf and dagger on her, pronto! To bury this in stats, make it look like a black-or-white thing, and Sal, make it clean, for goodness' sake.   

Salman: Consider it done, Mr Netanyahu, but I'm curious what Dr Wood has exposed - a 'directed energy weapon? You sound as if Dimona's 'shit has hit the fan.'

Bibi: You don't get it, do you, Sal! An old Jew once said, "To counter the opposition, run it yourself." Let me tell you a secret. We are 'playing' both sides. We are sponsoring the Truthers, 911Engineers, Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer, the whole shebang, and the government's official story. Everything went nicely until this woman showed up with her book "Where Did the Towers Go." She had the gall to tell the 911Engineers to take their 'demolition' theories and shove them up their backsides. To be honest, Sal, I've not slept much since she started talking. Women, once they start, just can't stop. So, we got our FBI fellows to 're-investigate' the matter to deflect public glare from this woman. Sal, the 'directed energy' weapon we used that day, is a state-of-the-art Star Wars zapper. Since Einstein did Fatboy, it is the most potent weapon we have invented.

Bibi: In comparison, Fatboy is a bullock cart. God rest his soul. Old Albert is in kindergarten compared to our boys at Dimona.

Salman: That's fine, Mr Netanyahu, but back to my original question. Why is the FBI implicating the House of Saud in the affair?

Bibi: You still don't get it, do you, Sal! Let's just say if you can't pick out the sucker from a principled partner in your joint venture within two minutes of a dog whistle that isn't up to pitch, chances are, the sucker is you.

Salman: What do you mean, Mr Netanyahu?

Bibi: In a joint venture as complex as ours, the pecking order determines the Patsy if a contingency plan is found wanting.

Salman: And the Patsy is …

Bibi: The Patsy is you, Sal. Referring to such an obedient partner as a 'sucker' or even Collateral Damage is crude. Sal, to deflect this loose cannon called Judy Wood from the glare of the public eye, expect an FBI investigation and the 'missing 28 pages' to give your august House of Saud a fair bit of grief and embarrassment. But not anymore that can't be handled publicly, with a thick skin.

Salman: Thank you, Mr Netanyahu, for your kind consideration.

Bibi: You're welcome, Sal. As usual, I have your back.  

Words: - Tommy Peters

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