Clinton's 'selection' 2017

Preamble: Depravity is the key to controlling the POTUS. Trump has not reached the same level of depravity as our 'selected' Hillary.

Sal: Mr. Netanyahu, will you be at Clinton's inauguration next year? Your 'selected' war-hawk will be happy to see you grace her milestone, no?

Bibi: Sal, you know I run this Punch and Judy show, disguised as the 'US Presidential,' and if the Professor makes an appearance, the audience may realize that this was a 'selection.'

Sal: Can I go then, Mr. Netanyahu? I need some white buzz if you get my drift!

Bibi: Sure, get all the white buzz you need, but be mindful of the word around the 'missing 28 pages.' Although we instructed Obama to veto the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, I hear the thing is hot with the families of the 911 victims. They want your ass, Sal, if you get my drift!

Sal: It's confusing, Mr. Netanyahu, but why in the first place did you implicate our House of Saud with the '28 pages' then redact them to our relief, then threaten to expose the pages with the passing of the bill, then order the President to veto it, but keeping the option open to Congress, that you control, to override the veto?

Bibi: That's a loaded question, Sal. To ensure your obedience is too simplistic an answer. Take JASTA as a Zionist tutorial on how partners-in-crime work a patsy into a corner, call it a sole-proprietorship and then corral the assets of the sole-proprietor to pay for the crime.

Sal: I don't understand, Mr. Netanyahu!

Bibi: Let's just say, if you can't pick out the sucker from the partners-in-crime within two shakes of a dog-whistle which isn't up to pitch, chances are, the sucker is you!

Sal: That's brutal, Mr. Netanyahu, but your honesty is appreciated. Back to the topic, given that I smell Iran, your new Queen, at my door, I take it that you have stamped an 'expiry date' on our august House of Saud.

Bibi: Underneath this, I'm confident you appreciate the brilliance of our elders who goaded you to abet the 2008 'selection' of our African maidservant to the White House and to have him hand us the Ayatollah on a plate eight years later while we choreographed Iran to stare down at our Jewish state by design, we turned its old Safavid gun towards your House of Saud, offering Mecca as the prize. Brilliant, no?


Sal: It hurts, Mr. Netanyahu. Given we have been partners for the past century, it breaks, to say the least. But shall we discuss the first female POTUS you've selected?'

Bibi: Well, Hillary is Rothschild's choice. Where Jacob points, we follow. Remember, his family set us up in Palestine and gifted you Mecca and Medina after sacking the Ottomans to make your family the holier-than-thou of the Muslim world. Don't you forget that you were, and still are, beholden to their largesse.

Sal: Thank you for the historical reminder, Mr. Netanyahu, but on the subject of your largesse, why did Rothschild not pick Trump for President, given he is obligated to the family that saved him from several bankruptcies in the 80s and supported him as he built his wealth, not to mention having a member of your inner circle support his presidential nomination in plain sight.

Bibi: Depravity is the key to control. Trump is a colorful character we nurtured, a convenient frontman and entertainer. Still, he has not reached the same level of depravity as Hillary. However, both he and Bill were depraved enough to have participated in Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express; for example, the sordid collective history of the Clintons is a huge plus, given the skeletons we have on both of them are the key to controlling the POTUS when she is installed; not unlike the 'black files' we have on your 'august' House of Saud, besides, as you have noticed, 'housing' your trillions in banks that we control, we made you more obedient to your Zionist master, than our own citizens are to us.

Sal: Mr. Netanyahu, we are pretty aware of the 'noose' around our neck and of your Mossad in our backyard filing our 'dirt,' but on the subject of the POTUS, what you are saying is that Trump is basically an actor reading a script, knowing full well that Clinton is the next President.

Bibi: Just as Hillary withdrew from the primaries in 2008, knowing full well that Obama was 'selected' for the White House. Trump is more complex than an orang-utan our Jimmy Dore paints him. The man is versed in the old Hegelian Dialectic where on cue, he could display a commitment with such emotion that it would obscure a reasoned argument, and while at it, he could direct a gullible audience to a react to a perceived problem, which may be non-existent, which he would solve by proposing a solution with a dramatic punchline, not unlike the way we are micro-managing the impending 'clash of civilizations' between Zionism and Islam before your eyes, 'predicted' by our man Albert Pike in the 19th century, in which he stoically proposed that a defeated Islam is a done deal. Still, the thing about old Albert is, not all of his punchlines are jokes.

Sal: That's diabolical, Mr. Netanyahu, given when you instructed us to support Obama over Hillary in 2008, I pied-piper the Muslim world on the assumption that your African boy was a secret Muslim tasked by the New World Order to protect Islam. Now it is clear that he is fracturing our religion by pitting Muslims against each other in our own backyard and that Hillary withdrew to clear the way for him to the White House but only after your Bilderberg boys promised her Secretary of State; and to think that Qaddafi gave his millions to the presidential campaign of a man only to be repaid with the destruction of his country by the very one he helped to power, which then paved the way for a street mob to sodomize and murder him, which incidentally he and his Secretary of State, the next President, publicly gloated over. Farrakhan, who said, "he jus a nigger in the White House."

Bibi: You're getting warmed up, Sal!

Sal: Paraphrasing your take on Trump, your shoe-shine boy, Obama, displayed a glib in his emotional commitment that obscured a reasoned argument by the embattled Qaddafi, essentially directing Libya's gullible opposition to react to a perceived problem that was non-existent in the first place, which 'your boy' was instructed to solve by proposing a solution - bomb Libya, divide the country with sectarian strife and appropriate its assets, in that order. Divide and rule, Mr. Netanyahu, let alone twisting the Zionist knife, has taken on new levels.

Bibi: Excellent insight, Sal, but if you love your domain we protect, I suggest you keep your Zio-bashing in check. Given your 'effervescent' Shia population on Exxon street, what happened to Qaddafi could happen to you on cue!

Sal: I apologize, Mr. Netanyahu, for stepping out of line.

Bibi: I'm interested in your take on the machinations of the impending installation of our 'war-hawk' in the White House. Enlighten me!

Sal: I have a lurking admiration for those who can't keep their lies straight, but if one takes the US Presidential as a choreographed spectacle, the only way a lion makes the gullible run towards the fox would be if it shows them a wolf. Hillary is the fox, and Trump is the wolf participating in these farcical presidential debates to marinate our brains after those spirited inquisitions you call 'congressional hearings' tugged our chains. Forgive me, Mr. Netanyahu, for alluding you to our brains and chains. I could not help but rhyme my punchline!

Bibi: I trust you're not done!

Sal, To be brief, Trump is the fall guy for Hillary, period. He is best described as the GOP's rodeo clown, drawing the gullible public's attention while shielding your 'selected' rider from the bull. At the presidential debates, he will be reminded that she is the 'chosen one' and 'asked' to refrain from 'damaging' his opponent regardless of the credibility of the myriad of issues stacked against her. At this point, he retreats and remounts the rider to finish this Zionist charade; and if he goes rogue and makes a dash for the White House, you will point the bull to a black file and kneecap him. Perot (1993) knows the drill. Wendell Wilkie (1940) and Theodore Roosevelt (1912) knew it.

Bibi: Ross Perot knows the drill?

Sal: A century ago, your man Theodore Roosevelt was assigned to co-opt the GOP to enable Woodrow Wilson for WW1. Three decades later, you had Wendell Wilkie co-opt the GOP to allow Franklin to Roosevelt for WW2. For five decades, Ross Perot was instructed to co-opt the GOP to enable Bill Clinton for your War with Terror. A decade later, you assigned a weak McCain to co-opt the GOP to allow Obama to further the War on Terror. Now your man Trump, the most blatant, is co-opting the GOP in plain sight to enable the former Secretary of State, for whom foreign policy and cruise missiles are two sides of the same coin, to begin WW3


Bibi: Sal, your analysis has a distinct Zionist streak. I'm impressed. You're more astute than your grandfather, father, and the horde of siblings put together.


Words, Tommy Peters

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