A General pinning his Islamist

"I became minister of defence due to the military's will and not yours, and you know this very well. Moreover, you can't remove me; that's it, you no longer have any legitimacy" - General al-Sisi, responding to President Morsi's threat to dismiss him. On July 5, 2013, El Watan, an Egyptian daily, published the dialogue (in Arabic) between General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and President Dr Muhammad Morsi that took place on Tuesday, July 2, 2013, a few hours before Morsi's final speech to the nation and after that his detention. A reporter was allowed to witness and transcribe their conversation from a TV screen (translated by Raymond Ibrahim): - Morsi: What's the military's position concerning what's going on? Is it just going to stand by watching? Shouldn't it protect the legitimacy? Sisi: What legitimacy? According to documented reports, the entire army is with the people's will, and most people don't want y...