Art review: Karisma’s Monkey God & Twelvers’ Well
Monkey God! Someone said an artist is merely a scribe, and her intended message is immaterial, but what the viewer interprets from her piece becomes its reality. Once her art is born, her soul exits her body. The artist does not own her work. Hence, she cannot ascertain who gives it life or takes it apart. Her job description is giving birth to her next piece, period! Monkey God is a sublime piece of oil born in the era of the Darwinian ape, where Nietzsche proclaims God is Dead. Hitler moves ethnic cleansing to its logical conclusion. At the same time, Freud pushes psychoanalysis toward a vibrant sexual revolution with the mantra 'If it feels good, do it. This culminates in Krishna's consciousness for Brahmavamso to offer suicide bombers some monk magic to align their mental issues with dharma rather than drama. Twelvers' Well As a child, he disappears into a well while attending the funeral of the eleventh, then ascends into a state of occultation. He ...