
Showing posts from September, 2012

What Would Christ Do (or Say)?

Riding on the public relations debacle of Innocence of Muslims, the effort of one Nakoula Basseley, a convicted fraudster, the renowned Edward Tyler Nahem Gallery in New York is ‘without fear and favor’ featuring the work of Andres Serrano, a bonafide artist whose claim to fame is his controversial and ‘fearless’ portrayal of “Piss Christ” that debuted in 1989 and that was funded by the equally celebrated National Endowment For Arts. The artwork, which features a photograph of the crucifix submerged in Serrano’s own urine (as he submitted), has Christians clamouring awkwardly for moral equivalency with Muslims, given the “double standard and religious hypocrisy” of the Obama Administration who publicly apologized to Muslims for Nakoula’s work while staying conspicuously silent on Serrano’s. On a tangent, let us ask the rhetorical question! What would Christ do (or say) about his followers getting their knickers in a knot? He would say to ‘blaspheme him’ is a misnomer simply...

Mark Steyn • After America • © 2012 Edward Driscoll, Jr.

Transcript: - DRISCOLL: Mark, last year, after America debuted , we had Moody's lower America's debt rating and the British riots. This year, Regnery seems to be paying off rioters in Egypt and Libya to promote both the new book and America Alone , your look at America during the War on Terror, back when we still called it the War on Terror. How do you consistently gin up such great publicity for your books? STEYN:  Yeah, I know. My book ends with an apocalyptic nuclear finale. And you should be out of town once Regnery decides to do the publicity tie-in for that. But it's true that when it came out last year, I had great fortune on the day of the launch to have Moody's downgrade. And, in the British riots, they were explicitly reenacting my chapter on Britannia's post-imperial decay. This time around, you're right; what's going on in Libya, Yemen, and various other U.S. embassy compounds around the region is the next phase. Decline always sta...