'Tuhan' or 'Allah'
Which term, Tuhan or Allah, would an evolved Christian in Malaysia adopt? Despite the convergence and historical application of the latter, it is not the job description of a peaceful Christian to clamour, at the risk of social unrest, for his 'lost' vocabulary, just as it would compromise the Hindu sentiment of 'peace' and 'detachment' should the world's oldest religion lay claim to The Kaaba, that was in existence during the period the Arabian peninsula was part of Vikramaditya's Hindu empire, but that is another story. As a Hindu, an evolved Christian is a 'condition' rather than a 'force.' He has no business, let alone capacity, to confront a threat. His ability is limited to reason, common sense, and, perhaps, points of law. Over time, the term 'Allah' has lost its biblical meaning in contemporary Christianity, just as the universal term 'God' had gained prominence over 'Gott,' its original expres...