Jew-baiting in the Malaysian Parliament

Developed by Intel Israel

Dr. Salk at the University of Pittsburg's Virus Research Laboratory inoculating a young girl in 1955

In 1955, Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine that helped prevent mankind from walking like primates, but it appears the vaccine of the good Jewish doctor did not prevent some in the Malaysian Parliament from talking like monkeys - pun intended.

On the subject of Jewish science, while peering at the inoculation on their arm, they may want to gaze at their laptops and imagine those Intels Inside that were developed in Israel and ask themselves why all this science is still keeping them Jew-baiting in the realm of the anti-semite.

Why do people hate Jews: Rabbi Ken Spiro

Cheers, Tommy

Image: Corbis-Bettmann


  1. This is usually the case when one doesnt see beyond the tip of his or her nose.

  2. .....good one but if only people see the bigger picture,
    they will understand why the those very sentiments
    (anti-israel) persist and if they get to see even deeper,
    they will see that its not the jews to whom they should
    be spewing their venom but the Vatican and the Church.
    The Institution that has brought the world to the brink.

    Fail to see the link? Think Hitler. Think Church (of which
    Hitler was a by-product of)
    Think Holocaust. Think why the whites (British) carved
    up a prime chunk of Palestine for the Jews
    to offset their guilt (of the Holocaust).

    As much as the western world would like to think
    that Islamic radicals are the scum of the earth,
    they should be reminded that both world wars
    that wiped out millions, originated from
    christian-based countries and by peole who
    went to church, received holy communion,
    sang hymns loudly.

    Hey! Adolphy was even
    reported to have drank champagne with
    caviar upon hearing the screams of the jews
    while being gassed.

    Personally, I think the world would
    be a better place if Muslims and Jews
    teamed up and nuked the Vat.
    and toasted to the screams
    of the celebated gooks
    while they fried.

  3. Anon - I agree with you completely.

    Tim - nice angle and thank you for the comment …. “teamed up and nuked the Vat(ican)” reminds me of Tom Trancredo who suggested an Islamic target some years back.

    In any case, as an Anti-Semite, Hitler was a boy-scout, given that he did not have a religious doctrine to anchor his venom to. In this regard, he hardly represented Christ, as much as he and the Church used the famous Jew. He surreptitiously benefitted from that intuitive, race even in little things such as the VW he accredited to Ferdinand Porsche, an Aryan, despite the fact that the original design was put out a year earlier by Josef Ganz, a Jew.

    As regards the British penchant for 'carving', I beg to differ, in that they did not have much to 'carve' at the outset, post-war buffers notwithstanding. I have to put you on to Arthur Ruppin who established the Palestine Land Development Company with Zionist money to purchase and populate tracts of land with Jewish immigrants. It acquired holdings in northern Palestine the first three decades of the 20th century and tailed off with larger tracts on the west by the fourth.

    In essence the PLDC pretty much bought 1948. Off course it created controversy as it dealt with large landowners rather than squatting individuals (which the new owners had to evict). Such dwellers are always affected at the bottom of the chain in such deals.

    History has a knack of burying these little details but Tim, I realize, despite the lack of space, the broad brush is rather unfair but it is only to provoke a discussion.

    Cheers, Tommy

  4. Tom, I agree the PLDC is buried in history but its agenda is distinct. The fact that it is a Zionist entity underscored its linear progression. In any case, details are sketchy as to whether evicted dwellers were squatters or landowners themselves.


  5. Tom, I agree the PLDC is 'buried' but its Zionist agenda is distinct. The fact that it is such an entity underscored its 'linear progression'. Details are sketchy as to whether all evicted dwellers were squatters or landowners themselves.

    Jan Peters

  6. Hi Tommy

    Your writing is not easy to read at first glance and I am not advocating that it should be. Perhaps you cater to a thinking crowd who pause and savour every nuance there is. Definitely not the sort of writing that will get an erudite response easily. I am still trying to fathom the other piece relating to the alien in the design. It challenges me to go beyond trodden prose and lift writing my writing to a higher level.


  7. Hi Tommy

    Your writing is not easy to read at first glance and I am not advocating that it should be.

    Perhaps you cater to a thinking crowd who pause and savour every nuance there is.

    Definitely not the sort of writing that will get an erudite response easily.

    I am still trying to fathom the other piece relating to the alien in the design.

    It challenges me to go beyond trodden prose and lift my writing to a higher level.


  8. Thanks Jan - An excerpt from Charles Jacobs (January 2010) critiquing Abraham Foxman, a leftist Jew, which shows how the contemporary Left juxtaposes with traditional Anti-Semitism :-

    ".... It should be clear to anyone who can see beyond The New York Times that the Jews now live in a new time. World Jewry is caught up in a perfect storm: In Western societies, real danger to Jews no longer comes from Christian hatred of Judaism or from Nazi-like animus against our “race”; it comes instead from a hatred of the Jewish state and its Jewish supporters. That this animus comes mostly from the ideological left, with which a majority of Jews identify, is painful and confusing to many. At the same time, blowing in from the Muslim world is a different sort of anti-Semitism, one which combines modern anti-Zionist themes with primordial Islamic theological hatred. Jew-hatred now drives countless masses around the globe...."

  9. Think the term Primates is here to stay.This fellas in suits have an uncanny resemblance to the average joes on our streets who have similar traits. Proud to display their championing of anti semetism, they forgot to get rid of their Levi Jeans.


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