Below Empyrean
'The state of a human being is analogous to the state of a nation.' - Bruce Herschensohn – author of Above Empyrean. There are issues - corruption, economy, health-care, traffic jams, gas prices and the yearly haze. On the home front - unpaid bills, mortgages, taxes, garbage disposal and clogged drains. Naturally, the order of importance begins on the home front, but when a debilitating health issue comes to the fore, the fight to regain ones health immediately dwarfs the lengthy list. Regaining personal health then becomes the main issue and a corrupt government for instance, is the least of concerns. In essence, everything and everyone becomes a non-issue when ones health is threatened. Hypothetically, let us say you know 'of' cancer but not 'about' the killer disease, in that, you know it exists but you are unaware it kills prematurely and painfully and if you are diagnosed with the disease, how would you react? Just knowing 'of it' and not 'ab...