Punish The Monkey

Punish The Monkey that kills indiscriminately. It ruled 42 years. Its fiefdom is the largest oil-producer in Africa but two-thirds of its 6 million live on $2 a day. 

It's another day in the office for Tripoli Jack, an authentic African loon and still the best in the business. Rivaled only by the 'Daddy' of Uganda and feted in his day as an exemplary Muslim 'who stands against the West', bull-goose loony of his ilk is hard to come by without working at it day in and day out. The buffoon is as resilient as the mullahs of Iran but thankfully, his ardent wish to 'blacken' Europe is on hold. 

The polygamous imbecile would have been committed if he was an infidel, even if he was French; but let's not be harsh. He has redeeming points. (1) His contribution to fashion. I haven't seen curly hair is such color since hair-metal and aqua-net hair spray were in vogue. (2) His hot-chick Nikitas could show kidnap-ridden Mexico the way forward in that 'choochoochita' bodyguards have an inherent ability to 'embrace' a male-driven attack or substitute even hard ransom for cash-strapped victims, but that's another story. 

Punish The Monkey. Period.

Words, Videography, Action - Tommy Peters 

(Advanced appreciation is rendered for materials used without express permission of copyright owners; and to the ubiquitous animal rights' community for consenting to the monikers used to describe the subject matter - March 3rd 2011)


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