What if he paints his masterpiece!

Although he felt no hatred and cared not whether she died, he preferred to see her disemboweled and her carcass left to fester. His cruelty added to his depraved imagination found pleasure in such spectacles and yet, here was a friend seeking to deprive him of the pleasure. He subscribes to the Peck Order where a dominant bird pecks at a weaker one which in turn subdues its weaker counterpart resulting in her, a victim of the syndrome herself, manifesting into a dastardly being seeking superiority vide an uncouth staple. The thing is, as his fury became clear his conceit forbade him to indulge in it even though cowardice urged him not to oppose it. Nowadays he is seen in an empty church seemingly in prayer that betrays his depression. It brings to mind the matter in Kuala Lumpur involving an Englishman in the 70s who admitted dismembering his African-born wife into many parts. He too was found in an empty church seemingly in prayer prior to decapitating his loved one.

Words, Videography, Action - Tommy Peters


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