Mac: SwitchResX Control - A perfect bridge

Screenshot of the iMac 24

Screenshot of the MacMini

My MacMini was previously attached to a LCD Hitachi that was able to scale 480i up to 1080i. The Mini automatically set the display preference at 1024 x 576 @ 50 hertz (NTSC). The set-up was pretty straight-forward. (‘i’ stands for ‘interlaced scanning’ or commonly known as ‘HD Ready’).

Last week I had issues trying to configure the Mini to a Full HD Sony that was able to scale 720p up to 1080p (‘p’ stands for progressive scanning).

Enter a no-frills program called SwitchResX Control by Madrau. I downloaded Version 3.8.5 as a torrent and built it up with Transmission.

Placed the un-registered program in the dock and launched it upon the over-scanned display. Without fanfare the preference pane displayed as 1360 x 768 @ 60 hertz (NTSC) and the screen set itself up automatically.

Given the limits of the Mini's graphics card, the resolution of my Full HD screen is irrelevant. Stepping down to 1360 x 768 @ 60 hertz (NTSC) while enabling 'overscan' in Preference, set the Mini up perfectly with the 1080p monitor.

SwitchResX Control is a lovely bridge between the Display Preferences and the Display itself and a useful tool in setting up a Mac in a Home Theatre. Although the un-registered version is limited, it is enough to at least display the correct preferences.

The clips depict the preference panes of my Mini and iMac 24 setups respectively. Click on them for a larger view.

Cheers, Tommy


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