Audiobooks: The History of Classical Music

The History of Classical Music ©

Author: Richard Fawkes
Narrator: Robert Powell
Duration: 5 hours: 5 minutes
Publisher: Naxos Audiobooks (August 1997)

Duration of each Chapter:-
01 The Early, Medieval and Renaissance Periods [1hr: 13min]
02 The Baroque and Classical Periods [1hr: 18min]
03 The Romantic Period [1hr: 17min]
04 The Twentieth Century [1hr: 17min]

From the Gregorian Chant to Henryk Gorecki, the first living classical composer to get into the pop album charts, Fawkes tells in four chapters, a fascinating story spanning a thousand years of Western classical music and composers who sought to express in music, the deepest of human feelings and emotions. Polyphony and Sonata form, Serial music and relevant musical expressions are explained and musical excerpts from highly praised recordings of recent years, illustrate the narrative.

Powell played Jesus in Franco Zeffirelliís Jesus of Nazareth, a film that won him four major internationals. He played Mahler in Ken Russellís film of the same name. His other film credits include Harlequin, Tommy, and The Thirty Nine Steps. He appeared on stage in Hamlet and Travesties and in The Detectives, a television episode.

Source: Library of Alex Peters (4cd box-set)
ISBN: 9626341408 Cat: NA414012
Original codec: MP3 (48kbps)
Displayed codec: FlashVideo (180mb per chapter)
Video tools: iMac, iPhoto, iTunes, VisualHub

Chapter 01: The Early, Medieval and Renaissance Periods

Chapter 02: The Baroque and Classical Periods

Chapter 03: The Romantic Period

Chapter 04: The Twentieth Century


  1. ...Gregorian chants has its origins in pre-Christian, hedonistic worship of the Romans. That's how they did it when they worshiped Zeus and his like albeit with a change in lyrical content although some books also say it has it's origins in the Mid-East.

    Old Greg just decided to incorporate it into Christian worship as part of the church's marketing-campaign which was initiated by Paul aka Saul who started the ball rolling with his ridiculous Trinity-concept (which was coined to alleviate Jesus into god-like status and merge him into the Roman's pantheon of Gods, which, incidentally, appealed to the Roman masses at that time) which, eventually, led to today's Christians being labeled Pauline Christians......a far cry from what Christians ought to be.....which also explains why those massive edifices in Europe have been reduced to mere tourist-attractions.

    Greg was just following up on what the Roman Emperor Charlie did by replacing the Summer Solstice Fest with Christmas and the Fertility Fest with Easter.

    Let's not give too much credit to those 'Joes' who sit on massive thrones (in the name of Jesus) behind glass and masonary whose only objective is to enrich themselves at the expense of it's adherents.

    If one is able to draw the line between Christ (the church-built entity) and Jesus (the reality), then one can be seen as having made a giant leap from darkness to light.


  2. ...Gregorian chants has its origins in pre-Christian, hedonistic worship of the Romans. That's how they did it when they worshiped Zeus and his like albeit with a change in lyrical content although some books also say it has it's origins in the Mid-East.

    Old Greg just decided to incorporate it into Christian worship as part of the church's marketing-campaign which was initiated by Paul aka Saul who started the ball rolling with his ridiculous Trinity-concept (which was coined to alleviate Jesus into god-like status and merge him into the Roman's pantheon of Gods, which, incidentally, appealed to the Roman masses at that time) which, eventually, led to today's Christians being labeled Pauline Christians......a far cry from what Christians ought to be.....which also explains why those massive edifices in Europe have been reduced to mere tourist-attractions.

    Greg was just following up on what the Roman Emperor Charlie did by replacing the Summer Solstice Fest with Christmas and the Fertility Fest with Easter.

    Let's not give too much credit to those 'Joes' who sit on massive thrones (in the name of Jesus) behind glass and masonary whose only objective is to enrich themselves at the expense of it's adherents.

    If one is able to draw the line between Christ (the church-built entity) and Jesus (the reality), then one can be seen as having made a giant leap from darkness to light.


  3. ...Gregorian chants has its origins in pre-Christian, hedonistic worship of the Romans. That's how they did it when they worshiped Zeus and his like albeit with a change in lyrical content although some books also say it has it's origins in the Mid-East.

    Old Greg just decided to incorporate it into Christian worship as part of the church's marketing-campaign which was initiated by Paul aka Saul who started the ball rolling with his ridiculous Trinity-concept (which was coined to alleviate Jesus into god-like status and merge him into the Roman's pantheon of Gods, which, incidentally, appealed to the Roman masses at that time) which, eventually, led to today's Christians being labeled Pauline Christians......a far cry from what Christians ought to be.....which also explains why those massive edifices in Europe have been reduced to mere tourist-attractions.

    Greg was just following up on what the Roman Emperor Charlie did by replacing the Summer Solstice Fest with Christmas and the Fertility Fest with Easter.

    Let's not give too much credit to those 'Joes' who sit on massive thrones (in the name of Jesus) behind glass and masonary whose only objective is to enrich themselves at the expense of it's adherents.

    If one is able to draw the line between Christ (the church-built entity) and Jesus (the reality), then one can be seen as having made a giant leap from darkness to light.


  4. ...Gregorian chants has its origins in pre-Christian, hedonistic worship of the Romans. That's how they did it when they worshiped Zeus and his like albeit with a change in lyrical content although some books also say it has it's origins in the Mid-East.

    Old Greg just decided to incorporate it into Christian worship as part of the church's marketing-campaign which was initiated by Paul aka Saul who started the ball rolling with his ridiculous Trinity-concept (which was coined to alleviate Jesus into god-like status and merge him into the Roman's pantheon of Gods, which, incidentally, appealed to the Roman masses at that time) which, eventually, led to today's Christians being labeled Pauline Christians......a far cry from what Christians ought to be.....which also explains why those massive edifices in Europe have been reduced to mere tourist-attractions.

    Greg was just following up on what the Roman Emperor Charlie did by replacing the Summer Solstice Fest with Christmas and the Fertility Fest with Easter.

    Let's not give too much credit to those 'Joes' who sit on massive thrones (in the name of Jesus) behind glass and masonary whose only objective is to enrich themselves at the expense of it's adherents.

    If one is able to draw the line between Christ (the church-built entity) and Jesus (the reality), then one can be seen as having made a giant leap from darkness to light.


  5. Correction and corollary to the above comment.

    By timfin.

    It was Constantine who established religious freedom in Rome through the Edict of Milan in 313. He later convened the first Council Of Nicaea in 325 to oppose Arius who had challenged the deity of Jesus CHRIST which resulted in the branding of Arianism as heresy. Christianity became the official state religion on Feb 27, 380 through an edict by Theodosius 1. All cults, save Christianity, were prohibited in 391 by another edict of Theo, which mooted the destruction of temples.

    'Pope' Julius(I) with the approval of Constantine suggested replacing the decadent Roman festival of Saturnalia with Christmas thus bringing in the whole hedonistic baggage of trees, mistletoes and mindless feasting.


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