Mac: Apple Remote Desktop 3.3

A friend asked an elementary question. Can Macs read Word? In other verbiage I answered, Macs run XP, Vista and 7. They control PCs but not vice versa. They are on a higher loft.

The screencast depicts 5 machines - a MacBook Pro, 2 MacMinis, a Dell notebook and a Gigabyte tablet, controlled by an iMac over my home network. Programs employed are Apple Remote Desktop 3.3 and TightVNC 1.3.10. Control over the web can be configured.

The iMac with ARD installed is the Task Server with Sharing configured on the Pro and Minis to allow control. The Dell and Gigabyte have Tight installed, through which ARD is employed to sync.

Tight, a GNU-GPL freeware is recomended over other freeware such as RealVNC because 1. it runs from a thumb-drive, if preferred, and 2. configuration is relatively easy.

Macs read Word.

Cheers, Tommy

Video tools: Screenflow, iTunes, Rainforest Reflection (Buddha Lounge) ©


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