Mac: Snow Leopard's 'abuse' option

A good friend offered me a Snow Leopard license from his Family Pack, which I installed in my MacBook Pro. My brother reserved two, which I used for the Minis. The iMac and MacPro are pending. They are still with Leopard.

The thing is, my friend is aware Apple never copy-protected its operating systems and its Family Packs are always identical to its Single User versions. He is aware Apple never penalized or crime-screened machines with breached End User License Agreements but then, why did he not procure the Single User version at half the cost of the Family Pack, to cover his machines and benevolence to friends.

Well, that is the way he is trained to think and his training and thinking are his rice. He said what separates Apple from its competitors is that it may be another company making computers but it acts like a studio creating art. He said although its EULAs carry the option to 'abuse', it posits a moral issue. In other verbiage, when you break a contract, you become a rogue and not being penalized for your breach is not the point.

I got the message. My friend and brother are making me honest. I am now contemplating a Family Pack for the pending machines, but not before I pondered procuring a Single User license for all five and plucking my neighbor’s mangoes without permission, which, for all intents and purposes, is the same thing.

(Posted in The Star)

Cheers, Tommy

Screencast tools: iShowU, iTunes, Apple Remote Desktop, Peter Tosh (Downpressor Man) ©


  1. Dear Tom - The family pack is restricted to 5 Macs within the same home. Great blog, by the way. Very best regards, TC

  2. Thanks chief, you are right - an excerpt :-

    .... If you have purchased a Family Pack license, then subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non-exclusive license to install, use and run one (1) copy of the Apple Software on up to a maximum of five (5) Apple-branded computers at a time as long as those computers are located in the same household and used by persons who occupy that same household. By "household" we mean a person or persons who share the same housing unit such as a home, apartment, mobile home or condominium ...


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