Kisha: Tayalan's Narrative

compassionate • methodological • carefree

"The courage of this amazing girl reflects the courage of her father and loving family"

A reason I write is to craft logical narratives based on logical foundations. I assemble evidence and seek opinion. Much alike living from day to day - so I thought.

Tayalan rang. I was, as always, upbeat at the prospect of engaging my dear friend - until he mentioned his daughter. A drive to the sea-front over Christmas brought life into perspective. From the awe of nature, I sought an answer - a 'teaching moment'. I was downcast, just thinking of her and the 'cracking' of her father's heart.

When I met her yesterday, she was exactly as she was several years ago, notwithstanding the transcendent moment of her life. Kisha is still a happy little thing, despite the pain she obviously bears. In masking her grief, she applies the Talmudic concept to the letter.

Her loving father is in the process of crafting a narrative of proportions - a narrative of a distinct nature - a narrative of his daughter. He is assembling evidence and seeking opinion.

Let me say this - The courage of this amazing girl reflects the courage of her father and loving family. His contribution is not only evident by his compassion, but by dissemination of his thought process.

Let me say this - Tayalan is as compassionate as he is methodological and yet, he is carefree as his TR4. He does not and will not sweat the small stuff. His narrative springs from being inner-directed but, as with the compassionate, he is unable or unwilling to redeem compassion for himself.

His narrative is indeed a 'teaching moment' 

Words - Tommy Peters


  1. I like it Tom... :D Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year :D

  2. Nice story about her family. I know Kisha and she is very brave. She will beat this and carry on.

  3. Thank you Siti and warm wishes to you too.

    Anonymous, thank you for the comment. My sentiments exactly,

    Cheers, Tommy


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