Vocabulary, not Soul

Fatimid 'Hubal' pendant

Preamble: Civilians have no business, let alone capacity, debating a programmed Juramentado. None. They have capacity for reason, commonsense and perhaps, points of law. The Allah issue in Malaysia is simmering and Juramentado is poised at the blocks.

Stage 1 - A period (of centuries apparently) when the term was not an issue.

Stage 2 - The Executive Order banning the term.

Stage 3 - The Judicial Application to set aside the Executive Order.

Stage 4 - The Judicial Order upholding the Executive Order.

Stage 5 - The Appeal setting aside the Judicial Order, allowing use of the term.

At what stage did Juramentado go postal? Five stages are in the equation but on hindsight, identifying the stage it charged is now academic. It gunned off the blocks at Stage 2 while most believe Stage 5 invoked its frenzy.

To identify triggers, one must study its environment, ideology and text suffused in its tabula rasa. Embracing it as a vocation caps the scholarship.

In civil societies, a Juramentado has absolute running rights. When one emerges against traffic, civilians step aside. They must. It underscores intelligence and bravado – much like ducking a random bullet - not because its fury is destructive but its tenure is brief. For their safety and offspring, civilians surrender road, chattels and vocabulary, if demanded, without debate.

Civilians have no business, let alone capacity debating a programmed Juramentado in the public domain. None. They have capacity to debate only reason, commonsense and perhaps, points of law.

On hindsight, if its trigger was identified at the outset, the civilian would have stepped aside at Stage 2 - surrendering Vocabulary, not Soul.

Words - Tommy Peters


  1. Wow Thom. Good comments. In fact I think laws are made according to people's necesities now days. The power and the money make worse thinks like good things and those weak. As an example everyone thinks PETROLEUM is the best thing can happened. No petrol no cars. So we all give a pride to those who managing the big Petroleoum Companies. But those who are in the other side. Those who look for the environment are seem as the enemies and have to be eliminated. Have you asked yourself? why if there is a lot of possibilities of electrial cars, solar panels energy cars. why no one is going into this technologies and they just prefer the world contamination instead of going for the green technology?

    Other issue is religion. Many people try to show off how religios they are, attending mass in the church, attendding the celebrations in the house of GOD, praying 7 times a day in the mosque but then why still there is violence, phedofilia, raping cases, crimes, and so. Religion seems to be another pandora with full of surprises where people hide to cover the real him or her. Religion has become just like a mask for people. Religion when it is mix with pilitics it is even worse. Now days war is legal, contaminatio is legal. In a near future killing each other to survive in this expiring world will be legal too.

  2. Thanks Anon. ... Religion seems to be another pandora ... Great line. May I use it with your permission? If you have a blog, please send me the link ..



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