911: The Alien in the Equation


At a conference in Kuala Lumpur, Tun Mahathir said, 911 "was staged" and "Muslims were not involved" and the towers "came down funny."
A basic design principle:- A workable design comprise elements that relate or are logically positioned to form a working structure. Therefore, an element alien to the equation must follow a failed design. It leaves no other route.
In 1998, a design called ‘Jihad Against America’ is mooted by Osama bin Laden, a fundamentalist Muslim, attributed to assembling the working structure.
Main elements of the design are (a) the simultaneous bombings of the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania 1998 (b) the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen 2000, culminating with (c) the incident in New York on September 11th 2001.
The elements are logically positioned towards the central theme to form a single workable visual unit, given that each bears a crime, a victim, motive, a suspect and even a confession.
Over the decade, the central theme, peppered with confessions and visuals, proved conclusively that the veracity of the design is the handiwork of the fundamentalist Muslim, but Tun Mahathir Mohammad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia, begs to differ.
At a conference in Kuala Lumpur January, he said the incident in 2001 ‘was staged’ and ‘Muslims were not involved’ and the towers ‘came down funny’. He implied that an invisible pleader seeks to create public acceptance for the Muslim design and foister it upon a gullible thinking.
He implied the design comes inbuilt with a mechanism that confuses criminal acts with the idea of anti-Semitism, of which he is consistently maligned as a proponent, despite his inconsistency in confusing the idea with the criminal.

In essence, he proposed two conjectures and a fact - an explosive mix that drowned the latter. The fact is the 110 story towers crushed its footprints in a stunning 10 seconds. The fact is two 110 floor steel framed concrete towers literally pulverized into dust in 10 seconds. 

The duration in itself is the alien element that fails the Muslim design. No other element in the equation warrants consideration.

Disguised within a series of logically positioned elements, this brief component is the penultimate moment that brings the invisible pleader to the fore.

In those 10 seconds, the perpetrator unwittingly shows his face and the discerning observer - despite the drumming of the syndicated discourse - filters him out with some basic common sense and a little arithmetic.

Observers who fail to understand that only a controlled demolition, rather than an implosion, could pulverize into dust a 110 floor steel framed tower in 10 seconds, are susceptible to fiction of the official academia.

They are inclined to preemptive intimidation, fine-tuned with a dose of bait-and-switch, where the intimidated himself initiates his own intimidation. He provides his own stick then disguises his cowardice with niceties such as 'prudence' or 'being sensitive'.

Such observers lack potential to become 'soldiers'. They are definitely not predisposed to kill nor able to fathom the existence of real-life operatives, trained for a specific objective, where an unflinching determination to execute 3000 innocent human beings figures as just one of several elements.

Most who reside in this group appear in the higher echelons - the day-to-day professionals distilled in their know-it-all stride, trapped within templates and seduced by the official academia, while dictated by political correctness.

Curiously though, observers who are able to identify the hidden hand are the simpletons with a knack for basic common sense, the artists, cartoonists, the bicycle builders or even carpenters who indulge in working models and derive joy in the evolution of a working structure.

The thing is, the syndicated discourse has over the years effectively installed in the psyche of the general populace, the damning image of the fundamentalist Muslim juxtaposed with the destruction of the iconic Towers.

Therefore, re-installation of the bias is the key to an objective analysis and the penultimate moment is the ideal starting point.

In his retort, Tun Dr. Mahathir did not seek agreement but clarity. He was crystal. The carpentry hobbyist simply removed the fundamentalist Muslim from the equation and highlighted the alien that fails the Muslim design.

Words - Tommy Peters

Sources:-   Sofia Smallstorm, Carol Valentine, Christopher Bollyn, Alex Jones, MagickRiver, Flatfish. (Materials and references are used without express permission) 

Glossary:- (Terms are explained in context of the post, save for two that are edited from the dictionary) 

Thermite is a pyrotechnic composition of a metal powder and a metal oxide, which produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction. Most varieties are not explosive, but are able to create short bursts of extremely high temperatures focused on a very small area for a short period of time. Thermite reaction was discovered in 1893 and patented in 1895 by German chemist Hans Goldschmidt. Consequently, the reaction is sometimes called the "Goldschmidt reaction" or "Goldschmidt process". Dr. Goldschmidt was originally interested in producing very pure metals by avoiding the use of carbon in smelting, but he soon realized the value in welding

Tun - is the highest civilian honor granted to a Malaysian bestowed by the King on the recommendation of the federal government. Title holders do not exceed a certain number at any one-time. Main criteria are that the recipients should be exceptional in their field, should have contributed to the country and must be influential. 

Anti-Semitism - is prejudice against or hostility towards Jews, often rooted in hatred of their ethnic backgroundculture, or religion. In its extreme form, it attributes to the Jews an exceptional position among all other civilizations, defames them as an inferior group and denies their being part of the nation in which they reside. A person who practices anti-semitism is called an "anti-semite." Anti-Semitism may be manifested in many ways, ranging from individual expressions of hatred and discrimination against individual Jews to organized violent attacks by mobs or even state police or military attacks on entire Jewish communities. Extreme instances of persecution include the First Crusade of 1096, the expulsion from England in 1290, the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion from Spain in 1492, the expulsion from Portugal in 1497, various pogroms, the Dreyfus Affair, and perhaps the most infamous, the Holocaust under Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany. While the etymology suggest that anti-semitism is directed against all Semitic peoples, the term was coined in the late 19th century in Germany as a more scientific sounding term for Jew-hatred. 

his inconsistency in confusing the idea ... could be read as ... his consistency in not confusing the idea ... (a play of terms where an affirmative is juxtaposed 'next' to its counterpart to explain a single stream of thought). 

Penultimate Moment - the First Flight was recorded on film, thus the populace who viewed the film did not require a written scientific paper to confirm the event. Direct observation via moving pictures was therefore, the Wright Brothers' Penultimate Moment. In similar vein, the execution by Saddam Hussein of half his cabinet after assuming leadership of Iraq was recorded on video. It was Saddam’s Penultimate Moment in brutality. In contrast, Stalin and Hitler never had theirs. There is no direct observation of their deranged behavior. No video had them personally lording over their fascist brutality. In context of the post, elements that point to the Muslim design strictly do not offer direct observation, except when the planes struck the towers but, it is noted that, no direct evidence is offered as to the identity of the pilots or if there were any pilots at all or passengers in the aircrafts.  

Therefore, the Penultimate Moment of the perpetrator is the 10-second portion of the video footage showing the explicit nature of the destruction of the towers that exposes, through standard gravitational calculations, a 'controlled demolition' rather than an 'implosion'. It is the Penultimate Moment of the perpetrator simply because the arithmetic of the 10-second fall was subject to direct observation and thus, no 'discourse' is required to confirm the fact.   

Syndicated Discourse - is the hydra of the syndicated feed that feeds the mainstream media with its agenda.  

Bait-and-Switch - can be explained as a fraud common in retail where the retailer lures the buyer by advertising a product at a low price, then reveals that the product is not available, but a substitute is. For a political connotation it could mean 'slapping your own face' or 'speaking from both sides of your mouth. 

The towers averaged

1355 feet. Using a free-fall equation and a little algebra and on the premise that no resistance is involved, the calculus is as follows:-

 (D = 1/2 x G x T x T)

With a little basic algebra, we solve the equation for the fall time, T:
2 x Distance = Gravity x Time(squared) (2 x D = G x T x T)
Time squared = (2 x Distance) / Gravity (T x T = 2 x D / G)
Time squared = 2 x 1355 / 32 = 84.7 (T = square root of (2 x D / G))
Time = 9.2


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