Franz Ferdinand: Fade Together

When was the last time a name of a band influenced your history?

Unlike some notables where choice of names are found wanting­, a Glaswegian foursome, who opened gates to the likes of Kaiser Chiefs and Futureheads, is named after a nineteen-century Austrian-Hungarian prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne before his assassination that precipitated the Serbian war and world tension that followed.

The cover design of the second album is more telling than the bland design of their debut. It's beautifully vintage and reflective of the era – a dame with a period head covering ‘calling out to her Prince’ is relatively mild but a refreshing change, considering the decibels offered in this genre.

Fade Together is a slow to medium ballad played to 'hopeless' remnants left behind before closing. The gem is nestled amongst a punk indie spread and comes with a disguised Gregorian Chant in its basement. Surprisingly though, it is not one of the four singles released from the album, but it keeps the air serene at home.

One answer to the preamble is - Jethro Tull - the last poet standing.

Words, Videography - Tommy Peters

(The clip was made on a Mac with CoverVersion’s Cuboid and Screenflow)

Post Script: This post is dedicated to Mollie Jackson, a Glaswegian water-colorist and dear friend, who is visiting her roots at the time of writing. (don't forget the chocolates, Mollie)


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