Manmohan Singh is a gun-collector

Preamble:- The Lovely Bones is a tale of a girl who is raped and murdered and comes to terms with what happened to her on earth while in heaven. Song To The Siren which Robert Plant is quoted as ‘the best song written’ is a soundtrack in Alice Sebold’s script. Tim Buckley’s lyrics alludes to a leader of a movement who played a role in liberating his motherland from dark days of submission and carnage - a movement that still lives watching over the nation.

The scientist who headed the development of the AGNI said the only pressures he felt while creating the Indian ICBM were ‘hydraulic’ and pneumatic’. Period. The academic who is apolitical to the core did not allow the foreboding northern enemy who defecates now and then at his doorstep to alter his job description.

Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India, has adopted a similar apolitical stance. While the world witnessed more than a dozen attacks on Indian soil the past decades killing close to a thousand and maiming three times as much, August in Janpath will again witness primed and polished AGNIs filing past like phallic symbols displayed by a politician-academic of extraordinary Ghandian resilience.

In India, what quells slick Islamic terrorism is unadulterated Hindu nationalism and the Bharatiya Janata Party is the antidote. There wasn't a peep from its nemesis when Atal Vajpayee was running things. Wielding POTA, the old man was the lion of India’s security that placed Pakistan in its kennel as opposed to the ‘engagement of equals for stability and international peace’ bovine parlayed by Congress that cause state sponsored events such as the Mumbai attacks to loom large. Simply put, the Prevention of Terrorism Act, designed to fight terrorism, disband terrorist outfits and choke off funding, put in place by the BJP was duly set-aside by doves of Congress. Manmohan repealed the Act four months after he took office, leaving India to marauding wolves. 

The liberalist Prime Minister is akin to a gun-collector violated repeatedly in his own home. The perpetrators enter his fenceless abode at will and for good measure they steal a few choice rifles and explode a couple of grenades on the way out. Then, in all humility, the academic apologizes to members of his family for the carnage and proceeds to replenish his collection of guns and renovate his home to its original state, leaving the known perpetrators free and loose to plan the next intrusion.

With barbarians at the gate of what's left of India, she is in dire need of a real politician who wields a big stick, not an academic posing as one, because the only pressures the ‘apolitical’ would feel while polishing his firepower are ‘hydraulic’ and pneumatic’. Period.

Words, Videography – Tommy Peters  (on YouTube)

(Advanced appreciation is rendered for materials used without express permission of copyright owners – Oct 29, 2010)


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