Nanking 2007 - the Guttentag-Sturman documentary

A gripping documentary depicting Bushido barbarism in full bloom. 250,000 murdered, 25,000 raped but juxtaposed with an upside – 250,000 saved by acts of bravery committed by a few.

1937. Japan takes Nanking. In the melee, Rabe (a Nazi industrialist) teams up with Americans - Vautrin (a college dean) Wilson (a doctor) and Fitch (a missionary) amongst others to set up a sanctuary for refugees that helped save thousands in a dark chapter of China's history.

The documentary is a collection of their record and a perpetual counter-balance to the mercenary of the dastardly kind - the revisionist historian.

Their record serves to keep truth on the boil and the revisionist at bay.

Words – Tommy Peters

(Advanced appreciation is rendered for materials used without express permission of copyright owners – Nov 25, 2010)


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