The Stoning of Soraya M.

The Stoning of Soraya M. is a docu-drama based on a true story directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh and produced by Stephen McEveety. It takes courage to make such a film. It takes courage to empower the victims of Islamic violence in that the script acknowledges the courage of Soraya Manutchehri who perished under a hail of stones in the hands of medieval practitioners. 

Such projects will not be undertaken by the likes of Spielberg or Scorcese simply because a curious strain of Stockholm Syndrome has infected and continues to infect the Hollywood staple. Incidentally, Scorcese finished Stones, Shine A Light - that is not related to exposing the dreaded punishment but to a safe-to-make Rolling Stones biographical where the director appears to have over-Hitchcock-ed himself into the script.

It is not a question of fearing the hypocritical cowards but suffering them. The silence of the typical celluloid promoter and the Feminine Left is understandable, even when a news-bite of medieval practitioners that treat women worse than cattle interrupts their space and rankles the conscience, but the commentary is not about millionaire cowards who play pretend behind cameras but about a quill breed of 'holy men' who partake in the oldest 'Reality Show' in the business. 

"If you want to understand the type of people who run Iran, see this film. If you want to understand why men and women risk their lives to demonstrate against the fascist theocracy that rules Iran, see this film. The film is about the type of people who become 'supreme leader' (Ali Khamanei) or president of Iran (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad). It is about their mendacity, their use of religion to commit barbarity and of course, their despicable treatment of women" - Dennis Prager.

Words - Tommy Peters

(Advanced appreciation is rendered for materials used without express permission of copyright owners - Feb 12, 2011)


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