Music Industry Exposed • ©2010 FarhanKhan

If Passion is the Mother of Eloquence, the eloquence of Farhan and friends emanate with a passion that 'illuminates' a 11-part documentary towards a topic that surreptitiously feeds the womb, rather than regenerate the soul. While it's safe to assume that Farhan and friends are not on Rihanna's Christmas card list, they are definitely on mine and I hope they progress the arrested narrative to its logical conclusion. All 11 parts are posted above without express permission. 

Words - Tommy Peters

The quote in the preamble is attributed to Dennis Prager and the comments appended below are re-posted from that hosted the documentary in 2010.

Comments ‘against’ the exposure.

“The videos themselves explain that without an intention behind the gestures they are simply gestures. The symbols are useless without you giving them some sort of power. So in essence all the sheep chanting "Rain Man" are doing just that, saying "Rain Man." It is a useless gesture when the meaning behind the symbolism remains occult. However, once the meaning has been illuminated in the individual there is intent, whether that intent is conscious or unconscious. So here's my question; why are you spreading this to people? Why make them aware of a meaning behind the symbolism, thus giving the symbol power? Am I wrong in saying it would be best for people to remain ignorant to the meaning of the symbol so that the symbol remains a meaningless gesture?” Namaste 

“Can you cite any sources claiming such? While the Venus of Willendorf proves that there were tribes in Austria around 24,000-22,000 BC, nothing is known of their genetics/ethnicity. Furthermore, if we're talking ethnicity rather than culture, why be so quick to dismiss the Egyptian peoples?” – Joshnorton 

“OK. Here's my $.02 on this. Don't take this as a personal attack. Bogus. No connection to the Illuminati. R&B and rap artists in league with a white-dominated race-driven ideological society? Hardly. I'm from Los Angeles. I have a degree in sound engineering. I've also spent many many days inside a dark control room doing music and video mixdowns. I have many friends in the rap music industry and none of them talk about the Illuminati in terms of having any sort of alliance. Mostly, they view secret societies as a misuse of power by "ignorant white people". When they make a reference to them, its because it is trendy. And also because they use the platform to make political statements which is very common. When references are made to secret societies, its usually obvious, like the eye in the pyramid posted on the wall. Traced with a red marker. This is iconography. Many big-budget blockbuster movies are edited with real iconographic subliminal images. And it is considered a form of art. But not the videos used to make a lunatic fringe association in this case. Sorry, this is laughable. The CGI effects and placement of them in the Rianna video is a coincidence and not much else, imho. They were probably sitting around looking at different wipe patterns and said "hey that one looks cool, lets use that one". That the effect originates from the womb area - %100 intentional. That it intentionally looks like the head of some demon? You gotta be kidding me. They don't mess with this stuff. They are generally caring, soulful and usually simple people with an exotic creative drive. Using any reference to actual secret societies is usually a parody of it - them telling the world how messed up the secret societies have made things. People see what they want to see.” Pyschoacoustic-1 

“Namaste makes a very important point in his first post. Just the act of bringing mass attention to certain malevolent forces creates an "attractor" fueled by the amount of individuals focused on the topic exponentially. And this can actually be dangerous.” Psychoacoustic-1

“Right there with you. I think it is most often done as a statement. I think we see conspiracy everywhere because honestly a conspiracy is less terrifying than the realization that the world is chaotic by nature.” - Namaste

“What once was a nice intellectual talk has become very watered down. I'm done posting in this thread. Have a good one.” – Namaste

“That is exactly the point I was trying to get across. This fear-mongering involved with secret societies will only give us more things to be afraid of.” – Namaste

“I think Namaste is taking a sober an objective approach to this issue. For we don’t really know 100 percent know that the elite, those referred to as Illuminati, i.e., Rockefeller, Rothschild and their like are truly some occult Satanist. Though we do know they are nefarious capitalist who exploit people. Overall we do need to be careful about slandering people, that is if we claim to be striving for truth and justice. All these entertainers may be Satanist but more likely just young people trying to be famous and successful entertainers who enjoy the wealth and notoriety that goes with it. BTW most of the conspiracy lore maintains that the Satanist rituals the elite use is from Babylon. Some of the Masonic so-called occultism is out of Egypt. None of this stuff is proven. I like Dave Icke, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Dave Wilcock, but these guys themselves are more entertainers than truth seekers, or at best they present a theory of possibilities, just another faith. The search for truth is daunting and it does not came easy, IMO.“ – Inforeal

“I spent a good amount of time in the music industry and you are reading way more into this than there really is. Some of these things are there just for the sake of something cool and visual. Something stimulating. Ive met a lot of video producers and the artist has NOTHING to do with the video. They show up and get told what to do. If you were to meet one of the video producers you would agree that if something does seem fishy, they probably did it on purpose as a joke because they want to be in on the "conspiracy". I started a small business once and we decided to make our logo a pyramid. So does that make me illuminati? It looked cool.” – Brydaws

“I think there is really no room for argument here. It could either go both ways. I find it interesting though, some artists are going against the Illuminati saying "illuminati trying to take mind soul and body" etc. If these artists were part of the illuminati, why would they be speaking out against it? Griff is a member of the rap band Public Enemy. He has a very heated opinion on the issue, and goes against the grain by trying to expose the supposed Illuminati. Take a look: 

Professor Griff Exposes Illuminati 

True? Who knows. Interesting Nonetheless. Immortal Technique speaks fervently against the illuminati, and it is very interesting because I believe (correct me if I am wrong) he is unsigned. Maybe there are artists exposing the system and artsists giving in to the system. Im surprised nobody has brought up Robert Johnson, he was a jazz player who was the first musician purported to "sell his soul to the devil." Interesting stuff: 

Robert Johnson - Devil Legend (wiki) 

To me all this stuff is hearsay, it could all either be a cool front to garner ratings, or it could be real. Who knows. that Bob Dylan interview portion was crazy! I was blown away. The Rihanna rain part was a HUGE stretch. As for "raining money," well that's just plain cool, who wouldn't want it to rain money? Another point to ponder over: If this Illuminati business is all just cool insertions to make a video more popular or controversial, then how come the only people who know about it are us crazy ATS fanatics and not the actual fans? I do in a way believe that alot of these fans are brainwashed, not in the literal sense, just in the sense that they don't have the mental alacrity to research the musician more, just listen to their music and not really pay attention to the details. We are the people who pay attention to the details, us crazy conspiracy theorists! If musicians were trying to be cool and garner ratings, wouldn't they use a subject more popular than "the illuminati"? Just a thought.” - LiberLegit

Comments ‘supporting’ the exposure.

“I did a fairly decent board search for similar threads and found none. And I thought this is just too creepy and IN YOUR FACE to take for coincidence. “You can clearly see the artists involved with Illuminati/NWO w/e you want to call it symbolism. Openly stating they soled their souls. And what appears to be demonic possession. I think these wonderfully produced videos can say more than I could ever hope to convey at this point. Just wow” – Mryanbrown 

“Subconscious consent is still consent. You do not need to be consciously illuminated to the meaning. These people are consenting to sacrifice personal choice and free will to be chattel and offer praise blindly to these stars. Sharing the video educates people to what is going on. Your reply seems rather Illuministic. You are 'illuminated' as you inferred since you are aware of the power behind them. The symbols have power whether or not those invoking them are consciously aware. They need to know to AVOID this music. We will find you, there is no place you can escape. No manipulation which shall save you. While these people may be unaware the war has begun, we shall stand strong to bring truth back to them. Your time is over.” – Mryanbrown 

“We will find you?" "My time is over?" Right. Do you expect me to take you seriously when your reply to my post has an implicit threat? Illuministic? You're right. I absolutely am. Why would I choose to be kept in darkness when I could be illuminated? Do you even understand the concept of illumination? You know you can seek illumination without being a memeber of the "Illuminati." Truth is Light. They are synonymous. I will forever and always seek Light. It is in my nature. I suggest you educate yourself Brother. Where did the symbols come from? Do you truly have a grasp of the Occult or what Occult even means?” – Mryanbrown 

“My non-physical 'threat' is directed towards the Illuminated deceivers. Are you one which needs to worry about being exposed? Are you one who manipulates? I have been exposed first-hand to the true nature of occultism. If you were so prone to truth as you suggest. You wouldn't be trying to convince me or anyone else that this knowledge is best left unknown. Especially after you stated yourself... "Whether that intent be conscious or unconscious." – Mryanbrown

“If there was no conspiracy to control us, there would be no need for one to free us. Duality. If there was no conspiracy to control me. Can you explain why I no longer have personal freedom? That I may legally partake in things which encourage hedonism yet barred from those which free me from my spiritual shackles?” – Mryanbrown

“My understanding is that the Anglo-Saxons were of older Nordic decent, ancient Caucasian. I'll find more on it later. But I wasn't necessarily dismissing the Egyptians as. I used the Anglos as an ethnicity, and Egyptians as a culture. Not dismissing their ethnic heritage. I just know nothing of their ethnic decent. However knowing that most modern Illuminati symbolism is often associated to the Egyptian culture. I felt they could be traced back further to pre-egyptian ethnicities in Anglo-Saxon/Druid/Nordic paganism.” – Mryanbrown

“Necessary evil yes, when balanced. However the scales are vastly tilted in favor of one side at the moment. As for the freedoms. I can drink as much alcohol as I wish knowing it induces spirits to take hold. Yet I am barred from smoking any Cannabis which is known to remove the veil of deceit and bring truth. None at all, however I do feel as if you are generalizing all rappers. I thoroughly enjoy Immortal Technique and Jedi Mind Tricks. Which is truly amazing rap/hip-hop with powerful lyrics. Yet it's not MSM. And I for one wouldn't think they would be be part of an alliance. Rather a tool for manipulation of ethnic minorities. Selling themselves and their people out for money and fame. Seems to fit the Illuminati profile. If you look past the obvious "greed" argument. When you take into the account who produces, directs, and finances these vastly expensive music videos there is no way you can honestly discount them as being below movies. The iconography is just as artful. In my opinion, someone only concerned with money, fame, egotism, and hedonism is far from "generally caring, soulful and usually simple people with an exotic creative drive". Especially when they are not solely responsible for the 'creative' aspect. I however am not labeling all artists as such. Just those with blatantly obvious Illuminati symbolism. I will give you the CGI/Womb one. However there's no dismissing songs about NWO with Illuminati symbolism as not having an Illuminated bias. I do find it curious you didn't comment on the correlation of these linked artists all singing about a voice inside of their head. People of innocence and clear conscious do not have this problem. Nor does anyone provide such an honest, non-humorous face to "I sold my soul to the devil". Without meaning it either quite literally, or literally, just not to THE Devil but a circumstance just as bad to be used as a tool for social manipulation. But hey, selling your people and ethics out certainly does make it rain.” - Mryanbrown

“How can you assert that the scales are off-balance? That would take an objective view, while you are experiencing life subjectively. On the note of substance abuse. If you need a substance to "lift the veil." You're very lost. I'm sorry if you take that in offense.” – Mryanbrown

“I can not legally experience personal freedom of my own choosing. That's control exerted over me without consent. No balance. We all have 'substance abuse'. However is simply using a substance abuse? We need clay to make bricks, wood to make fire. Water and food to live. These are substances. Cannabis counteracts decades of programming quite fast. To abuse it would mean I'm lost. To find harmony and true purpose for it means I have found balance. Not relying entirely upon myself, but the universe to experience. Why re-invent the wheel just to provide myself a sense of superiority for not smoking cannabis?” – Mryanbrown

“Just like the illuminated. Come in, manipulate just enough of a point taking it vastly off-topic. And leave the children to play with a new intellectual idea when one acknowledges your original intent. Referencing that replies to your questions have watered it down. Bravo indeed, needed the refresher.” – Mryanbrown

“The eye of Horus is not sole property of the Freemasons. It has universal symbolism. It can apply to either. But the masons themselves are never used openly in a negative light. Otherwise they would blow the cover of the Illuminati. Someone has to pretend to be a good guy. I'm Batman!” – Mryanbrown
(Advanced appreciation is rendered for materials used without express permission of copyright owners - Tommy Peters)


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