Exchange Stabilization Fund, explained • Eric deCarbonnel
Bullet points summarized by The Daily Bell
• The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) was created (without oversight) by Congress in the 1930s to ensure support of the Dollar. It has done a lousy job of what it was supposed to do, as the Dollar has lost almost all its value.
• The ESF was put in the hands of the head of the US Treasury
and the US Treasurer has absolute power to do what he wants with the fund.
• As a result, the ESF has acted as a giant slush fund that
has funded the growth of the American Empire over the past century against the
will of both Congress and many bankers in private industry.
• The ESF effectively runs the US Federal Reserve and
tells the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Fed) what to do. It does this because it is
responsible for stabilizing the dollar and implementing policies that are in
the national interest.
• The ESF leaves few traces of its activities as Congress
mandated that it must conduct its affairs without oversight. Thus, dissembling
is part of its mandate and its bureaucracy lies as a matter of policy.
• The ESF was responsible for Project Mockingbird, apparently ongoing still today, and places many of
America's top journalists under the control of the CIA. The publishing industry with
a special emphasis on books about politics and American foreign policy is an
especially large part of this false flag operation. Books are seen as a key to
controlling the American intelligentsia. The Internet has partially broken the
promotional chokehold of Mockingbird.
• The ESF is legally mandated to lie, which is why even an
audit of the Fed will not reveal the true nature of what has taken place in the
US and the world in the past 100 years. The Fed and the ESF are symbiotic, but
the ESF is in charge.
• In order to prop up the Dollar and to protect the
interests of the US, the ESF has performs an enormous number of illegal tasks and does so with maximum anonymity and without oversight of the rest of the
executive branch or the Treasury itself.
• The ESF, through then-Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter
White, virtually created the modern money system, including the IMF and World
Bank. Today, the ESF is responsible for most of the rapine of the modern
world's developing countries, as described in John Perkins's
book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
• John F. Kennedy was ready to expose the ESF and its dark
deeds and to create a new non Bretton-Woods financial system, which is why he
was murdered by a "magic bullet." Later on, his brother was murdered
for the same reason.
• The ESF, thus empowered, has continually and energetically
bankrupted the US in order to 'save' it.
• It has disposed of much if not all of the nation's gold
• It used its secret funds to first create the CIA and then
to fund its cover operations, including destabilization of democracies
around the world.
• It has demanded enormous amounts of money printing from
the Fed to prop up the US economy, the dollar and its illegal operations.
• It has coerced the Japanese, Chinese and others into
buying dollars to mop up "inflation."
• It has sanctioned and created drug addiction in the US to
"Dollarize" the rest of the world. It has done so by imposing
money-laundering regulations on banks that force drug dealers to export, via
smuggling, tens and hundreds of billions of physical dollars out of the US.
• It has created a sophisticated forgery apparatus to ensure
that the Dollars do not flow back into the US, creating inflation. These Dollars are apparently being printing by the US Treasury at a loss, but are the
same as regular Dollars in almost all ways. As a result, foreigners are afraid
to bring their Dollars back into the US for fear they will be confiscated as
• Because there are so many drugs flowing into the US,
especially heroin and cocaine, people are dying of drug use in record numbers.
As a result of these deaths, the ESF created the fiction of AIDS. It is still
the accepted explanation for the deaths of millions, but there is no
explanation for why the "virus" is found equally in men and women,
although the deaths have been predominantly gay men who, especially in the
1980s, were apparently aggressive abusers of powerful drugs that depress the
immune system. African statistics showing AIDS deaths are merely made up and
not to be trusted.
• In order to keep the supply of Dollars flowing out of the
US, and to continue to fund illicit activities, the ESF has been responsible
for wars as well as for covert and illicit assassinations and destabilizations.
It was, for instance, responsible for the war in Afghanistan. The Taliban had
begun eradicating poppy fields and this could not be tolerated, as the supply
of heroin worldwide was plunging. Today, the CIA and US military guard the
Afghan poppy fields and heroin production is heading toward peak supply.
• ESF manipulations have resulted in global
"blowback." The Dollar is in ruins. The ESF and its enablers are
becoming unglued. Even Alan
Greenspan has begun to admit the fraud that surrounds the ESF.
• As the ESF and the Dollar itself has operated as a kind of
Ponzi scheme
and like all Ponzi schemes has fostered misinformation and disinformation. One
of the most pervasive of these "tales" is that the world is run by an
elite group of individuals intent on creating a New World Order. Even
journalists who believe they are working for this group are being misled. The
New World Order is nothing but a beard for the world's real power, which is the
ESF and its enablers and associates.
• In reality, those who are responsible for the Ponzi
scheme, bankers and government officials alike, are culpable. Mr deCarbonnel
says that they have no idea of what is about to happen to them. Hundreds of
millions who have been defrauded by the ESF Ponzi scheme and all its
ramifications are likely to be merciless when it comes to light. Justice will
winnow those involved with special vehemence.
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