Exchange Stabilization Fund (Parts 1 to 4) •... by 1tommypeters1 Exchange Stabilization Fund (Part 5) • Eric... by 1tommypeters1 Bullet points summarized by The Daily Bell • The Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) was created (without oversight) by Congress in the 1930s to ensure support of the Dollar. It has done a lousy job of what it was supposed to do, as the Dollar has lost almost all its value. • The ESF was put in the hands of the head of the US Treasury and the US Treasurer has absolute power to do what he wants with the fund. • As a result, the ESF has acted as a giant slush fund that has funded the growth of the American Empire over the past century against the will of both Congress and many bankers in private industry. • The ESF effectively runs the US Federal Reserve and tells the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Fed) what to do. It does this because it is responsible for stabilizing the dollar and implementing policies that are in the national inte...
The Sabah - Sulu timeline: 1405 to 2022 1405 Sulu Sultanate is founded. 1521 Sulu Sultanate is colonised under the Spanish empire. 1640 Spanish empire grants the Sulu sultanate independence. 1658 Brunei sultan cedes North Borneo (Sabah) to the Sulu sultan, Mohammad Jamalul Al Alam, in gratitude for the latter's role in suppressing a revolt against the former. 1878 Sulu sultan “grant and cedes” Sabah to the British North Borneo Co. for 5000.00 dollars per annum. The whole article. Tommy Peters August 2, 2022.
Preamble:- 8.48am February 21 st 2009 saw the demise of Ming, a confidante, companion, friend and a bundle of joy to Alex Peters, not to mention, Flo, Dian, Carol and those his life touched. Ming the entertainer de-stressed anyone who laid eyes on him and girls in particular just loved to cuddle the pocket dynamo. He did not have a 'business end' and given the pain he endured, he was still all 'fun'. He succumbed to cancer but not before thumbing his nose at kemo several years. His resilience was amazing. He hung on as long as he could. The video posted below is Alex’s labor of love for his dear Mingy. I sense dread in the impending storm. Mingy paused. “Would you face it alone! You see, I have no fear of ponies, none at all. I know them and they me” . You look bushed, your voice, tired. Your effort was more daunting than thought, wasn't it! That is because I am complex, born and bred. Just look at me and you thought I was a thoroughbred mutt? ...
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