Sam Harris • Christianity, a cult of Sacrifice • 2011
In a polarized world, a Religionist challenges an Atheist - his traditional foe. Point is 1. Catholic William Lane Craig and atheist
Sam Harris are friends and accordingly, their supporters take cue. 2. Will there come
a stage when a prominent Ayatollah is able to debate a Rushdie, Harris or Kagan
without acrimony?
An excerpt from The God Debate II with William Lane Craig debating Sam Harris on moot 'Is the Foundation of Morality Natural or Supernatural?'
The exchange was hosted by Notre Dame University in 201. The full (audio) version is posted below:-
An excerpt from The God Debate II with William Lane Craig debating Sam Harris on moot 'Is the Foundation of Morality Natural or Supernatural?'
The exchange was hosted by Notre Dame University in 201. The full (audio) version is posted below:-
Excerpt Transcript:-
Nine million children die
every year before they reach the age of five. Picture an Asian tsunami of
the sort we saw in 2004 that killed a quarter of a million people. One of
those, every ten days, killing children only under five. Ok, that’s 20, 24,000
children a day, a thousand an hour, 17 or so a minute. That means before I can
get to the end of this sentence, some few children, very likely, will have died
in terror and agony. Ok, think of the parents of these children.
Think of the
fact that most of these men and women believe in God and are praying at this
moment for their children to be spared. And their prayers will not be answered.
Ok, but according to Dr. Craig, this is all part of God’s plan. Any God who
would allow children by the millions to suffer and die in this way, and their
parents to grieve in this way, either can do nothing to help them, or doesn’t
care to. He is therefore either impotent or evil.
And worse than that, on Dr. Craig’s view, most of these
people - many of these people, certainly will be going to Hell because they’re
praying to the wrong God. Just think about that. Ok, through no fault of their
own, they were born into the wrong culture, where they got the wrong theology,
and they missed the revelation. Ok, there are 1.2 billion people in India at
this moment. Most of them are Hindus, most of them therefore are polytheists.
Ok, in Dr. Craig’s universe, no matter how good these people are, they are
doomed. If you are, if you are praying to the Monkey God Hanuman, you are
doomed, ok.
You’ll be tortured in Hell for eternity. Now, is there the slightest evidence for this? No. It just says so in Mark 9, and Matthew 13, and Revelation 14. Ok, perhaps you’ll remember from The Lord of the Rings, it says when the elves die, they go to Valanor, but they can be reborn in Middle Earth. I say that just as a point of comparison.
You’ll be tortured in Hell for eternity. Now, is there the slightest evidence for this? No. It just says so in Mark 9, and Matthew 13, and Revelation 14. Ok, perhaps you’ll remember from The Lord of the Rings, it says when the elves die, they go to Valanor, but they can be reborn in Middle Earth. I say that just as a point of comparison.
Ok, so God created the cultural isolation of the Hindus, ok.
He engineered the circumstance of their deaths in ignorance of revelation, and
then he created the penalty for this ignorance, which is an eternity of
conscious torment in fire. Ok, on the other hand, on Dr. Craig’s account, your
run-of-the-mill serial killer in America, ok, who spent his life raping and
torturing children, need only come to God, come to Jesus, on Death Row, and
after a final meal of fried chicken, he’s going to spend an eternity in Heaven
after death, ok. One thing should be crystal clear to you: This vision of life
has absolutely nothing to do with moral accountability.
Ok, and please notice the double standard that people like
Dr. Craig use to exonerate God from all this evil, ok. We’re told that God is
loving, and kind, and just, and intrinsically good; but when someone like
myself points out the rather obvious and compelling evidence that God is cruel
and unjust, because he visits suffering on innocent people, of a scope and
scale that would embarrass the most ambitious psychopath, we’re told that God
is mysterious, ok. “Who can understand God’s will?” Ok and yet, this is
precisely - this “merely human” understanding of God’s will, is precisely what
believers use to establish his goodness in the first place. You know, something
good happens to a Christian, he feels some bliss while praying, say, or he sees
some positive change in his life, and we’re told that God is good. But when
children by the tens of thousands are torn from their parents’ arms and
drowned, we’re told that God is mysterious, ok. This is how you play tennis without
the net.
And I want to suggest to you, that it is not only tiresome
when otherwise-intelligent people speak this way, it is morally reprehensible.
Ok, this kind of faith, is, is really the perfection of narcissism. “God loves
me, dontcha know. He, he cured me of my eczema. He makes me feel so good while
singing in church, and, and just when we had given up hope, we found a banker
who was willing to reduce my mother’s mortgage.”
Ok, given all the good, all that this God of yours does not
accomplish in the lives of others, given, given the, the misery that’s being
imposed on some helpless child at this instant, this kind of faith is obscene.
Ok, to think in this way is to fail to reason honestly, or to care sufficiently
about the suffering of other human beings. And if God is good and loving and
just and kind, and he wanted to guide us morally with a book, why give us a
book that supports slavery? Why give us a book that admonishes us to kill
people for imaginary crimes, like witchcraft. Now, of course, there is a way of
not taking these questions to heart, ok. According to Dr. Craig’s Divine
Command theory, God is not bound by moral duties; God doesn’t have to be good.
Whatever he commands is good, so when he commands that the Israelites to
slaughter the Amalekites, that behavior becomes intrinsically good because he
commanded it.
Ok, well here we’re being offered - I’m glad he raised the
issue of psychopathy - we are being offered a psychopathic and psychotic moral
attitude. It’s psychotic because this is completely delusional. There’s no
reason to believe that we live in a universe ruled by an invisible monster
Yahweh. But it is, it is psychopathic because this is a total detachment from
the, from the well-being of human beings. It, this so easily rationalizes the
slaughter of children. Ok, just think about the Muslims at this moment who are
blowing themselves up, convinced that they are agents of God’s will. There is
absolutely nothing that Dr. Craig can say against their behavior, in moral
terms, apart from his own faith-based claim that they’re praying to the wrong
God. If they had the right God, what they were doing would be good, on Divine
Command theory.
Now, I’m obviously not saying that all that Dr. Craig, or
all religious people, are psychopaths and psychotics, but this to me is the
true horror of religion. It allows perfectly decent and sane people to believe
by the billions, what only lunatics could believe on their own.
If you wake up tomorrow morning thinking that saying a few
Latin words over your pancakes is gonna turn them into the body of Elvis
Presley, ok, you have lost your mind. But if you think more or less the same
thing about a cracker and the body of Jesus, you’re just a Catholic.
And, and I’m not the first person to notice that it’s a very
strange sort of loving God who would make salvation depend on believing in him
on bad evidence. Ok, it’s, I mean, if you lived 2,000 years ago, there was
evidence galore, I mean, he was just performing miracles. But apparently, he
got tired of being so helpful. And so now, we all inherit this very heavy
burden of the doctrine’s implausibility. And, and, and, and the effort to
square it with what we now know about the cosmos and what we know about the
all-too-human origins of Scripture becomes more and more difficult. Ok, and,
and, and it’s not just the generic God that Dr. Craig is recommending; it is
God the Father and Jesus the Son. Christianity, on Dr. Craig’s account, is the
true moral wealth of the world.
Well, I hate to break it to you, here at Notre Dame, but
Christianity is a cult of human sacrifice. Christianity is not a religion that
repudiates human sacrifice. It is a religion that celebrates a single human
sacrifice as though it were effective. “God so loved the world that he gave his
only son.” John 3:16. Okay, the idea is that Jesus suffered the crucifixion so
that none need suffer Hell—except those billions in India, and billions like
them throughout history. Ok, this is, this is, this is astride, this doctrine is
astride a contemptible history of scientific ignorance and religious barbarism.
We come from people who used to bury children under the foundations of new
buildings as offerings to their imaginary gods.
Ok, just think about that.
There, in vast numbers of societies, people would bury children in
postholes, people like ourselves, thinking that this would prevent an invisible
being from knocking down their buildings. These are the sorts of people who
wrote the Bible. Ok, if there is a less moral, moral framework than the one Dr.
Craig is proposing, I haven’t heard of it.
(Advanced appreciation is rendered for materials used without express permission of copyright owners – Tommy Peters)
(Advanced appreciation is rendered for materials used without express permission of copyright owners – Tommy Peters)
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