"so true"

A friend on my Facebook list asked if Malaysians are oblivious to geopolitical violence. She lives in Aleppo, Syria, where on the one hand, snipers and terror commandos are having a field day ratcheting their work beyond the nine thousand dead marks. Still, on the other hand, her dodgy internet provides enough buzz to flesh out some mind-numbing entertainment from my Malaysian page, where the vanity index of hip hop and everything else cool appears to be peaking amongst the females as well the males. She said in her zone of fear and strife the conceited self-ennobling index is becoming non-existent and less and less people are updating their pages and albums with egoistical poses coupled with the ubiquitous V sign between the eyes and that the most profound of eye-rollers encountered on my page was the difficult decision one woman had to make as to whether to wear her Islamic shawl with a hood or have it streamlined onto her scalp to go with her Malay dress of a specific color worn on a particular day of the week to which she received no less than 50 responses to guide her towards a resolution but then the Aleppoian noticed that the volume of replies was no indication between sweating the small stuff and pondering weighty issues where less profound matters would include anything from walking into KFC and giving a blow by blow of the barrel of spicy being consumed and why the mashed potatoes were insufficient for the famished hubby that would receive a 100 or so rejoinders to a road trip in the DVD-equipped MPV breastfeeding the little fella in the backseat that would earn twice the responses while serious matters would include anything from a forced sojourn at the mismanaged low cost terminal before the crucial flight to Club Med to a stare at the traffic lights from a dark-skinned Elvis Wanna-Be who by virtue of his pigment must surely be a stalker or kidnapper to which the most common response amongst the other mindless chatter that would gauge the sympathy and instantaneous outpouring of my concerned friends is the inevitable and inescapable 'so true'.

Words - Tommy Peters 

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