"Long Time" - Obama's 2014 visit to Malaysia

Preamble: Malaysia's contradictory position is that it kneels for the servant, not the master, as demonstrated by its anti-Israel stance, juxtaposed with its willingness to serve the U.S., which the Jewish nation commands.

"Long-time" is an integral part of the pick-up line of the grammar-challenged Saigon prostitute in Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. Her one-liner refers to serving her clients well and for more extended periods if the price is right. The thing is, Ms Saigon does not come across as a hypocrite in that she 'loves all and serves all' with equal fervour. She serves the American soldier as well as his Viet Cong adversary. She does not discern when imparting 'passion' and 'love,' and because of her impartiality, she earns their respect in a skewered way. Over the years, the metaphor has become an entertaining euphemism in coffee shops to describe a range of emotions and actions of its political actors, particularly the infamous rent-seekers jostling for political patronage.

The past week, Malaysians witnessed some intense jostling to serve President Obama. The Malaysian Prime Minister was in front of the queue, sidelining the opposition leader, NGOs, the odd religious extremist, and even his mentor's ex-Prime minister. The same ex-Prime Minister admitted that a Jewish lobbyist was paid some US1.5 million to arrange his 2002 meeting with President Bush, but that's another story.

The Prime Minister was the man of the moment. If his exhilaration, exuberance, and nervousness were anything to go by, it is safe to assume that he served President Obama well with pleasure, passion, and fervour. It is safer to assume that after the debacle of the missing jet, he uplifted the pride of Malaysians the moment he stood side-by-side with the U.S. President at the press conference, not to mention the selfie moment.

To expect a politician or even a prostitute to hold two contradictory positions simultaneously is not easy. You must work at it. But it appears more accessible for a politician to hold differing positions than a bonafide prostitute. For example, Ms Saigon would raise a red flag (pun intended) if she applied her job description with the Viet Cong with passion but at the same time pronounced to the world that she would not 'kneel' for Chairman Mao, given that it was China that sponsored the Viet Cong.

Even in Malaysia, it is well known that Washington operates at the behest of the Jewish lobby dictated by Israel. To put it mildly, President Obama is its current 'spokesman.' Hence Malaysia's contradictory position is pronounced with its anti-Israel stance.

On the one hand, Malaysia pronounces that it does not have diplomatic relations with the Jewish nation and bars its citizens from visiting Israel. To make matters worse, Jew-baiting in her Parliament erupts from both sides of the political divide at any given opportunity, and effigies and flags are torched.

On the other hand, she eagerly awaits the 'servant' of the (despised) Jewish nation to grace her shores. Still, unlike Ms Saigon, Malaysia's contradictory position does not raise a red flag or even a green one.

Words, Tommy Peters

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